Albeit four days late and 5.5 trillion Chinese yuan short, I'd like to take this opportunity to wish all 35 readers of the d.c. diaries an ironic Happy Independence Day. Our holiday here at the d.c. diaries was a smashing success...we didn't have any nervous breakdowns, no drunken arrests, and only a broken flip flop tubing in the Delaware River. When I say "we", of course, I mean the royal "we". I am the only staff member of this enterprise.
I'd also like to make an announcement...of sorts. Within the next few months, the d.c. diaries will give way to an as-of-yet-unnamed successor blog, and will be retired into the archives of the Internet. Sad as it may be to think of the d.c. diaries floating around an endless series of tubes with the rotting carcasses of the likes of the Go network and Prodigy, this is not so much the end as it is the beginning of something new. Something big. Something mega. Something copious, capacious, cajunga.
I am declaring my own independence. I am going viral. I will conquer the Internet.
I have many reasons for doing this. The first is that it doesn't make any sense for me to host a blog titled the d.c. diaries if I don't actually live in D.C. I'm not ruling out a move back to Washington in the near- or long-term, but why chain myself creatively to one city?
Which brings me to my next reason: as I have grown and broadened my horizons, my blog has also grown and broadened its horizons. the d.c. diaries began humbly five years ago as a mass e-mail to friends and family back home in Nevada as I spent my first summer as an obscure Washington intern. Back then, it was really about D.C. and my wide-eyed experiences in a new land filled with people who don't say "dude" nearly as much as I do, and tend to bristle when I do say it. Today, it's about more. It's about perspectives from one American life on the entirety of that thing we call "American life". It's part political, part social, part economic, part satire, and other parts I haven't discovered yet. And I believe that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.
This new blog, this mythic beast that looms on the horizon of the Atlantic seaboard, will hopefully serve as a springboard to other opportunities to cultivate my other vocational passion - writing. They say that the law is a jealous mistress. Well, so is the pen. I have two hands. I can hold a gavel in one and a stylus in the other.
I will continue to post content to this blog in the interim until I have established my new master plan to mesmerize the planet. Who knows? Maybe this newer, bigger, badder, bolder venture will result in a sparsely-attended book signing at Politics & Prose or one of those small-town boutique bookshops owned by a deranged aging hippie (the ones that have more boxes of tarot cards than anything else). Until then, keep your eyes peeled, and, for the long-term readers of the d.c. diaries (Mom, Dad, my old slow-pitch softball team, and the random loons who found me through Google), thank you for your support.
- The Management
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